Can Heirs Bring a Survival Action?

The most common claim that is made when a person dies is a wrongful death claim. Immediate relatives of the deceased are eligible to file a wrongful death claim to recover damages for the losses they have experienced because of the victim’s sudden death, but… read more

Can a Family Sue for Wrongful Death?

When a person dies, the surviving family members of the deceased are often eligible to file a wrongful death claim to recover compensation for the victim’s harm and losses. Most wrongful death claims are settled outside of court, but some cases wind up going to… read more

Most Dangerous Intersections in Missouri

Due to the population in cities across Missouri, there are bound to be car accidents from traffic congestion. A recent Missouri study collected information from 2010 to 2015, regarding the most dangerous intersections across the State. The study found that the most dangerous intersections in Missouri… read more

New Age of Auto Insurance

This new age of technology could mean a new age of insurance. New technologies, such as self-driving vehicles, will force insurance carriers out of the “stone age” to meet the needs of a modern-day family. Insurance companies face competition with car manufacturers as more and more… read more

The Known Dangers of Texting and Driving

Texting and driving is a relatively new concept. Before the invention of cell phones, a driver would more likely have been distracted by lighting up a cigarette or using the radio. While those causes are still responsible for accidents, talking or texting on the cell phone… read more

What You Need to Know About Drunk Driving Accidents

Roughly 40% of all driving fatalities involve someone driving drunk. Every year, there is an untold number of people injured and tens of thousands of people are killed in alcohol-related accidents across the United States. The sad truth is that all of these accidents could… read more

4th of July Holiday Presents a Unique Set of Dangers

Like any three day holiday weekend, traffic increases as drivers hit the road in search of fun and sun. While traffic-related deaths and injuries have been steadily decreasing over the past few years, this year’s 4th of July holiday falls on a Saturday. Statistics report that… read more

Back Injuries – Herniated Disc

Herniated disc spinal injuries are often caused by a traumatic accident. The spinal column is composted of intervertebral discs that are sandwiched in between vertebrae. The forces involved in an auto accident or fall can cause the discs to rupture, tear, or herniate. A disc herniation… read more

ATV’s – Much Fun But Extremely Dangerous

Quad Bikes – Four Wheelers, Three Wheelers – Really Dangerous Toys The quest for family fun can turn to grief in one terrifying moment. Over the past decade, all-terrain vehicles also referred to as quad bikes, quads, three-wheelers or four-wheelers, rose in popularity. There are currently… read more

What Can Be Done After a Family Member Dies In a Car Crash?

Life is absolutely precious. Anyone who has lost someone to an auto accident can certainly attest to how precious and fragile life is. Unlike illness or old age, dying in a car crash is an abrupt, unplanned tragedy. In a matter of seconds, an entire… read more

How do Accidents Affect Insurance Rates?

Most motorists will unfortunately be involved in some type of vehicle accident in their lifetime. Regardless of whether they hit someone else, or someone else hits them, it will likely affect their car insurance. How a car accident affects an individual’s car insurance and for… read more

Avoiding Deer While Driving | Holden, MO Accident

Two Holden County, Missouri residents were injured early Monday morning in a collision with a deer. Rachel D. Wise, 36, who was driving on Southwest 1501 Road swerved to avoid a deer in the road but lost control of her vehicle. According to the Missouri… read more

The 10 Most Dangerous Missouri Intersections

State Farm recently released its list of Missouri’s most dangerous roadways. Topping the list are roadways in St. Louis County and Springfield, Missouri, featuring dangerous stoplights and hard-to-navigate-turns. The 10 most dangerous Missouri Intersections: Gravois & Lindbergh Boulevard (Sunset Hills) Glenstone Avenue & Sunshine Street… read more

8 Reasons Why You Should Hire an Attorney Following a Car Crash

Imagine you are driving down the highway headed to work on a clear Monday morning. Traffic is slowing ahead of you, and you start to tap your brakes in response. After your car comes to a complete stop, you feel a jolt of energy from… read more

The St. Louis Suit Project

We are so thankful for all the momentum The St. Louis Suit Project has gained since it began in 2010. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity, The St. Louis Suit Project provides new and gently used business attire to deserving individuals in need. Our organization seeks to eliminate… read more

Advice on Injuries and Treatment Following A Car Accident

The ability of modern cars to absorb the impact of a crash has improved compared to cars of the past, but there is still a great percentage of the energy from an accident that transfers into the neck, back, and extremities of the passengers. Even… read more

About Fractures

What Are Fractures? A fracture is breakage or cracks on the bone because of too much direct pressure, stress, or external force. A small crack on the bony surface is already considered a fracture. An open or compound fracture occurs when the broken bone punctures… read more

Abdominal Trauma

Physical trauma is a serious injury caused by a sudden energy transfer of an external force (i.e. motor vehicle crashes) to a person’s body. Abdominal trauma involves the abdominal area wherein most internal organs are involved. The most common type of intra-abdominal organ injury is… read more

What Is Spinal Stenosis?

SPINAL STENOSIS:A NEUROLOGIC DEFICIT Along the lines of evolution, human beings have developed the most advanced nervous system, comprising of the brain and the spinal cord. The spinal cord extends down from the brain in the form of a tubular structure, carrying bundles of nervous… read more

Back Pains – Relief of Back Pain

In the United States, back pain is the second most common reason why people have to miss work, so nearly 80% of the American population suffers from back pain at some point in life. Having slight back pain temporarily is normal and may result from… read more

Back Injury After Tractor Trailer Accidents

The incidence of tractor-trailer accidents continues to rise at an alarming rate in the United States. Last year over 500,000 accidents were from large trucks and other commercial motor vehicles, as a result of which more than 100,000 resulted in grave injuries with an estimated… read more

About Sciatica – The Sciatic Nerve

Sciatica refers to any tingling, numbness, weakness, or pain in the lower back that usually progresses down one or both legs (through the distribution of the sciatic nerve). It is brought about due to any added pressure or damage to the sciatic nerve or the… read more

Dangers of Rural Roadways – Accident Prevention Information

How dangerous are rural roadways?  TRIP, a National Transportation Research Group, reported in a September 1, 2011 report that America’s rural roadways face numerous dangers that present concern for motorists. According to TRIP, our rural roadways face the inability to handle growing traffic volume, limited… read more

How to Drive Around Motorcycles

Anyone who has never ridden a bike can be confused at the behavior of riders. Instead of explaining every single aspect of a rider’s behavior, it is best to just follow these simple tips. When making left turns, always look for traffic. Then, check again… read more

Dangers of Distracted Driving – Missouri Personal Injury Information

Distracted driving is quickly becoming one of the leading causes of U.S. motor vehicle accidents. With cell phone usage becoming more prevalent and adding to the habits of already distracted drivers, this trend is unfortunately only increasing. The U.S. Department of Transportation is helping in the effort… read more

AAP Updates Car Seat Recommendations

Child injuries affect countless children and their families every year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle injuries are the leading cause of death among children in the United States. According to Healthy Children, child fatalities following a motor vehicle crash are… read more

How Do I Get A Copy Of The Police Report?

Following various types of Missouri personal injuries, police departments, private companies, and other administrative agencies often generate a report detailing the events of the accident. This report is often the starting point for any investigation. The accident report will contain vital information compiled in one… read more

Do I Have to Go To Trial?

Most people equate a personal injury action with trials seen on television. While an injury victim always has the right to a trial by jury, it is not always conducted in every case. A jury trial is a tool for injury victims to level the… read more

Will My Credit Be Affected by Outstanding Medical Bills?

Following a Missouri car accident, medical bills can pile up quickly. If you are one of the millions of American’s unable to afford health insurance, or your current insurance corporation will not ‘ok’ the treatment, medical bills following a personal injury carry the potential to… read more

What Happens if I Do Not Have Health Insurance?

An injured party may or may not have health insurance to cover their expenses following a personal injury. If a party does have health insurance available to assist with paying necessary medical expenses, they will often be required to repay the health insurance company for… read more